Paul McFedries

“Information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious ottar of roses out of the otter.” —⁠Mark Twain

Web Design Playground, Second Edition

Learn HTML, CSS, and web design the interactive way

Front cover of the book Web Design Playground, Second Edition

Book Info

  • Publisher: Manning Publications
  • Pages: 440
  • Price: US$39.99
  • Pub. date: February 27, 2024
  • Category: web design
  • Tags: CSS, HTML, web development

In today’s world, lots of people crave the experience of expressing themselves online. They can do that through fixed-format media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but for many people, these sites are too restrictive. Instead, they prefer to build their own presence on the web, and the way to do that with the maximum amount of freedom and creativity is to learn HTML and CSS.

In this book, I teach you how to create beautiful web pages in no time flat. I understand that the very idea of trying to create something that looks as good as what you see on the web sounds like an intimidating challenge. It’s my goal in this book, however, to show you that it’s quite straightforward and that anyone can build an attractive and sophisticated web page with his or her bare hands. I even try to have—gasp!—a little irreverent fun as I go along.

The second edition of the book is fully updated for the latest and greatest HTML and CSS knickknacks, including coverage of CSS Grid.

You’ll also be happy to know that this book doesn’t assume that you have any experience in web design, HTML, or CSS. You start from scratch and slowly build your knowledge until, before you know it, you have your very own tract of web real estate. All the information is presented in short, easy-to-digest chunks that you can skim to find the information you want. The online Web Design Playground also offers instruction and exercises that you can work through to hone your knowledge.

You can access the book’s sample files in two ways:

To peruse the book’s contents, download the TOC (PDF; 62KB).

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